Thursday, April 26, 2007

DAY 9!!!!!!!!!!

Call me old fashioned/superstitious but I told myself that I wanted to fast for an odd number of days. Don't ask. First a recap- Day 8 was not as bad as Day 7 but still felt like I wanted to rest and was a bit dizzy and nauseous. Upped my lemonade to 10 glasses and felt better by evening. Still not hungry and now not used to eating so not a problem.

Today, Day 9- woke up feeling fabulous. Got the kiddos ready for school, made them breakfast and was not a bit tired or anything. Have been in great spirits all day, I feel like I've gotten a body makeover mentally and physically! Z is not doing that well, the toxins are loose and she has headaches but hopefully she will flush them out even after the cleanse is over.

I'm so much happier, healthier and alert after this diet!

For all of the people who did not complete the cleanse or did a diet with a skeptical attitude without believing in the principles and imagining yourself flushing out toxins and regaining your youthful vigor- that's too bad. How else can I explain my face getting all pimpled up (I don't get pimples) and then magically clearing up 3 days later without a blemish? Feel sick on Day 7 and half of Day 8 and the feeling perfect after the flushes? How can I have so much energy and be so happy if I've been doing something unhealthy for the last 9 days? I find it a bit annoying when people diss the cleanse and have a negative attitude about it. Its not for everyone and I can't imagine everyone doing it. But please don't tell me I did something 'unnatural, unhealthy, etc.' Okay, done with my rant.

This diet is not for everyone, but I happened to find it doable. For everyone wanting to try it, please research research and prepare by reading other's experiences and then go into it wholeheartedly or you'll never complete it. Happy Cleansing!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 7- Evening

Today should have been a day to take it easy since a lot of detox symptoms rear their ugly heads today. Unfortunately I didnt get to do that. Z had all kinds of flu like symptoms, but I'm convinced its a good thing and has to do with it being Day 7. I'm hoping and praying that she feels better tomorrow after the flush. I think it would be really bad to quit today, though Z and I decided and un-decided to quit at least 3-4 times today. BUT- sticking it out till tomorrow and then I'm going to try and convince her to stick with it one more day.

Its not that I'm hungry today but I'm sick of making lemonade, sick of running out of ingredients, and I just wanted to quit because I thought it would make me feel better when in reality sticking to it another day is what will make me feel better. So far the stages have been correct, so lets see if tomorrow brings a brighter day!

Gotta have my Smooth Move and then get to bed early!!


Everything they say about Day 7 is true. Woke up this morning tired and cranky, my back hurt. I was soo tired, all I wanted to do was go back to bed the whole day. Don't want food, just sleep. I feel really negative about everything and feel like bursting into tears. Went out to a baby shower and came home early just to make the day go by.

I want it to be tomorrow, I feel like sleeping but I have to take my son to his stupid soccer practice. See what a wench I've become???? I'm so sleeeeeeeeepy and dh doesn't get home till 9pm.

Did pass some mucuos with the SWF this morning, but only went once. Where is all the flush going? Yesterday it didn't work at all. I probably have to up the was so extra nasty this morning I could not bear it.

Scale says 114, one more pound. I look NASTY, can't wait to gain it back. I'm only 5 foot 3 (almost) but I must have heavy bones bc I look my best around 120. At least I can have fun eating avocados and cashews and nachos and gaining it all back. Though i don't feel like eating today, just sleeping.

Will update later on...feeling mighty toxic right now : P

Monday, April 23, 2007

Day 6!!!!

I cannot believe I'm on Day 6....if you had told me this on Day 1 or 2 I wouldnt have believed it. Not that I ever intended to quit before the 10 days! These past days, Z and I decided that maybe 7 was enough, but with tomorrow being 7 we've decided that if we don't try to do all 10 we'll regret it later. Because, if it took me 32 years to do this diet its going to take me 32 more to do it again. Haha.

Anyway, today wasn't the best day. Bought a sucky batch of lemons from Food Lion. Medium sized and impossible to squeeze. The whole lemon had 2 tablespoons! So that made making the juice annoying. I think that tomorrow I'll make a whole batch in a pitcher and add the cayenne right when I'm about to drink it. I've had premade lemonade with the cayenne added and the cayenne overpowers the rest of the taste, in my opinion.

So, today wasn't the best day because I didn't get up in the morning with a plan of what I was going to be doing. So I sat around in PJ's all day and just wanted to drink lemonade and nap. Z felt like napping all day too. I figure with everything going on inside our bodies it must be a needed rest! Around late afternoon I wanted to quit because the kitchen had tons of food out. MIL had bought muffins, there was a bag of dinner rolls, a bag of chips and the sucky, unsqueezable lemons. Which do you think looks like a more attractive culinary choice?

Called Z a few times to tell her tomorrow was the last day and couldn't reach her. Oh well, can't go to solids right away anyway so I may as well drink the juice. Realized I needed to really step up my juice intake and had a large glass and felt a bit better, still tired. Finally got to talk to Z after 3pm. She felt lazy today too but had a nice movie night planned with the dh and plans for the kids to be in bed early. Talked to Z again an hour later to discuss the big Baby Shower tomorrow (are we going???) and she sounded great and I felt better too. Talking to her gives me a much needed boost because she always tells me that we have to see where this takes us and can't give up yet. Decide to go for the whole 10 days because if not we would always wonder "If we had finised all 10...what would it have felt like towards the end?" Have read so much online, need to see if its all true.

One of the things I read was that Day 7 is full of detox symptoms. Great, what was today with me being so lethargic? I have to get up early tomorrow and do my flush and then spend an hour making myself look like I didn't just do a flush (i.e. 'crappy') to go to this bash. Can't skip it for various reasons though I think I'll let Z off the hook. Ooooh, I'm not looking forward to being there with tons of people and delicious food everywhere!!!!! And I'm keeping the cleanse a secret don't feel like people telling me 1) are you nuts??? or 2) that sounds really unhealthy (as they help themselves to another ghee paratha, deep fried samosa or Diet Coke. :P

This morning my weight was 115, so far 5 pounds gone. I'm going to have a blast gaining at least 2 of them back!

Happy Cleansing!

Day 5

So, let me do a quick recap of Day 5, since I didn't get a chance to write anything. Day 5 was Sunday and the inlaws were still over. Dh had a football game and it was HOT out, about 80 degrees. I decided not to sabotage my cleanse in the name of politeness so I sent the two older boys along and the little one and I went out and did some errands- including buying more lemons. There was no way I was going to go out and sit in the sun for 2.5 hours without my lemonade!

Being out helped a lot, though going to the grocery store was not a good as going mattress shopping. Made mental list in my head of everything I'm going to consume when I'm off the diet...that list is getting long!

When I came home with dinner ingredients, dh tells me his parents want to take us out for dinner but I'm welcome to stay home. I decided to go so I could hang out with them and also help feed the kids. Took 2 glasses of lemonade with me (with lots of cayenne) and ordered an 'empty glass' at the restaurant. The waiter told me he had never had anyone do that before! Then, when everyone else was ordering their food, the waiter asked if I was going to eat. I told him no, and pointedly took a sip of my horrendous looking lemonade concoction.

During dinner, I thought the food looked good, but I know if I ate it it would probably feel like a brick in my stomach! I also started to smell the mucous smell everywhere. All i wanted to do was go outside and lie down in the sun and take a nap.

At 6:45pm the little one got very cranky and so I took him up to bed and fell asleep too. Woke up feeling really hungry and dh brought me some lemonade. After that, starting getting achey pains in my back and neck and toes. Had read earlier that this was a detox symptom. Everyone should check out the detox symptom list at under Bulletin Boards/Master Cleanse. Didn't get up again the whole night and had very vivid and elaborate dreams. Had vivid dreams the night before. Is this an effect of the cleanse?? The dreams were so complex and involved that I don't know if I got any sleep! Woke up at 9am and felt pretty good but in bad need of my lemonade!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Day 4

Last night was by far the hardest night for me! I had planned to cook Saturday's dinner in order to save time, but every minute I was awake I was restless with cravings for food. Decided to make another glass of lemonade and after chugging it, didn't feel hungry but my mind was still on food. As soon as I went upstairs with my Chocolate Smooth Move and got cuddly under the covers with my book, I was fine. Its funny how a good book can whisk you away, and its further proof that my desire to eat was a craving and not real hunger.

This morning I woke up at 7:25am, completely refreshed. It's been a long time since I woke up voluntarily while the kids were still fast asleep. I went downstairs and made breakfast for everyone without fantasizing about what it would taste like. I didn't have a desire to eat and I set out the omelettes, bagels, cream cheese and orange juices as if they were inedible objects. Who thought I could feel so energetic and healthy after not eating for three days?

After the inlaws arrived, everyone left for the first game and I woke up ds#3 and bathed and fed him. I had promised my mom to help her with the brunch, so I packed up my salt water flush and my lemonade supplies.

My salt water flush made me feel nauseous and a little cranky. But unlike in the beginning I knew that moving slowly and speaking sparsely would help me get through it. It was a good thing I was helping my mom with food while bloated with the flush because there was some good stuff there- warm croissants with chicken salad, triangular puff pastry patties filled with ground beef, cinnamon french toast, and a fruit salad along with tangerine juice. I was so surprised because normally I would be salivating but I just looked at the food and drank my lemonade. It was as if I remembered that long ago I used to eat but had now evolved into a lemonade-maplesyrup-cayenne drinking mammal and the food didn't tempt me. It was because my body was not rumbling with hunger and my mind had quieted down, used to the fact that it was not getting anything to eat! My poor tummy...

Flush took a little longer to work today, wonder what that means? The rest of the afternoon went by quickly with no thoughts of food. I even made dinner for everyone else (one of my favorite dishes) and though I wished I could enjoy the taste, I decided to have my herbal mint tea early.

Finished my book and am going to stay up a bit longer to watch a movie, however, a bit scared to do so in the family room a.k.a FOOD ROOM. Comfy couches, big screen TV and the refrigerator behind me? I didn't want to deal with the cravings from last night, but maybe they wouldn't come?

The most amazing thing about today is unlike Day 1 I am not always thinking of food. Its kind of freeing to think that we are okay without eating solids as long as we're getting calories from somewhere!

On a side note: My inlaws are so polite, I'm sure they think I've lost it to do this voluntarily! At dinner tonight my father in law realized that I'm not eating solid food...he had thought I was drinking lemonade along with my regular diet. LOL! I guess not everyone is as into natural healing and homeopathic stuff as I am. For me its always been a small part of my life, even though I spent my earlier years rolling my eyes at my mom whenever she asked if I had 'gone' well enough!!

Today is the first day that I can easily see myself going 10 days. Just have to keep away from tempting food because I LOVE FOOD!!!!! So if I can do it, anyone can.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Day 3- eveningish

My mom invited us to come eat with them, which is great because I didn't want to cook. However I came along to help feed the kids. As soon as I walked in the smell of food hit me like a ton of bricks. Or, a ton of meatballs to be specific. SO YUMMY. I was fine though, brought along 20 ounces of lemonade. I find the evenings after the kids go to bed so hard. I have a grocery store trip planned for this evening but I'm not sure if I'm up to that kind of self torture so maybe dh will go instead.

I find that if I don't think about how many days are left, I'm very positive. I know I will get through today fine. I think Z and I decided to do 7 or even 9 days. So far I think I've lost a few pounds, forgot to weigh myself until last night- 119 and I think I used to be 123-124.

SO far so good, the third day is supposed to be the worst but today has been pretty good so maybe my torture day is Day 4 (Watching soccer games all day and hanging out with the Inlaws)